Winter is coming…

Hello lovely,

​There are so many reasons why sometimes, life's "ups and downs" can seem to just swing a little more to the "downs" side - it can seem as if that feeling of dragging fatigue, stress and extreme effort to get through the day is stuck on "loop".

​1. Autumn Anxiety 🍂- Sometimes "life" can seem just a little more challenging than other times, and it is not uncommon for this feeling to pop up as our days grow shorter, daylight savings is over, and "winter is coming."

​One of the causes is the reduction in sunlight, leading to falling levels of serotonin. Serotonin is important hormone which affects mood, appetite, and sleep patterns. Less vitamin D, as a result of of being exposed to less sunlight- symptoms may include overwhelming sadness, lethargy.

​2. Current Affairs & News overload-🤯I recently read something along the lines of -' the power that exists now is not information itself but instead the ability to manage it"

COVID fatigue, war-atrocities being committed against innocent humans, crime and tragedy are, unless you take CALCULATED and DELIBERATE measures to limit your exposure everywhere- 24 hours a day , 7 days a week.

Some basic and effective measures to "manage" your exposure to world news articles are-

*Choose one to two reputable sources for your information.

*Pick one to two times a day when you’ll check the news. Turn it off at other times.

*Avoid the news on social media. Social media reports are often biased and filled with disinformation.

*If you feel anxious when checking the news, stop and do something that makes you feel good, like listening to a song, "earthing" and connecting to nature, or playing with a pet;

*Connect with your loved ones to talk if you’re feeling stressed.

​3. Hormones being "out of whack"-(again!)

Hormonal imbalances are often linked to emotional distress, and feelings of-

*stress or anxiety

*low energy


*changes in mood

*trouble sleeping

*brain fog or memory issues


Recognising and addressing hormonal imbalance is just one of the areas that we focus on in my brand new coaching program 'Radiant'✨ launching next week!!🎉💥.

​If hormonal symptoms, insomnia, moodiness, anxiety, and fatigue have been upsetting your life and you'd like to do something about it- contact me today.

I can't wait to connect!

Until then,

much love Beccy xx


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