Does Sleep😴 help Stress😖?


Getting enough sleep on a nightly basis will often alleviate the most troubling symptoms of stress quite effectively.

Unfortunately though, a good night’s rest can be very difficult to achieve if you’re stressed out – especially if sleep problems are a major source of your day-to-day anxieties.

​Whilst there are other measures you can take to relieve stress, such as regularly exercising and maintaining a healthy support network of friends and family, keeping stress well managed, often demands adequate sleep- most adults need between 7-9 hours per night at least 5 nights per week.​

Stress management is key to a good night’s sleep, and how well you manage stress can depend on your day-to-day lifestyle. In addition to following a balanced diet and exercising throughout the week, you can alleviate stress through controlled breathing, meditation, journaling, listening to music as well as lots of other relaxation techniques.

A healthy work-life balance is important, as is your ability to productively “release” stress during situations that cause stress.

5 tips for a better night's sleep-

Sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same times each day, including weekends and holidays.

Bedroom atmosphere: Keep your bedroom feeling relaxed and peaceful when it's time for sleep-set the diffuser up 1/2 and hour before bedtime, have the lights dim and soft, with the temperature optimal, generally recommended temp. is between 15℃-19℃, with 18℃ considered the ideal.

Get rid of electronics: Televisions, computers, mobiles, and other electronic devices emit a blue light that can interfere with sleep. For best sleep results, keep these devices out of your bedroom.

Reduced evening intake: Avoid consuming caffeine in the hours leading up to bedtime, as this stimulant may keep you feeling alert rather than sleepy when it’s your normal time for sleep. Whilst some people think drinking alcohol helps sleep because of alcohol’s sedative properties, often alcohol consumption can cause fragmented sleep as your body processes and breaks down the alcohol. Finally, avoid large meals before bed- ideally aiming for your evening meal to be finished by 6-7pm

Regular exercise: Moderate exercise in the morning or early afternoon can help you wind down and fall asleep more easily at night.

If you haven’t gone to sleep within 15 minutes of going to bed, try getting up and moving to another room for a relaxing activity such as reading, meditating, or listening to calming music- when you find yourself feeling sleepy-return to your bedroom for sleep.

5 tips for managing stress-

Where is it coming from? The first step in getting a handle on stress is to figure out what’s causing it. Take a good look at your physical condition and your daily activities and your relationships with others. Do you have pain? Are you overloaded at work? How is your relationship with your partner, your family, your friends? Once you identify your stressors, you can take steps to reduce them.

Seek social support. Spending time with family and friends is an important buffer against stress. It can be helpful to share your problems with people who care for you.

Practice thought management. What we think, how we think, what we expect, and what we tell ourselves often determines how we feel and how well we manage rising stress levels. You can learn to change thought patterns that produce stress.

Exercise. Physical activity can help you get rid of pent-up energy and strong emotion , reducing stress. In addition, flexible, loose muscles are less likely to become tight and painful in response to stress.

Learn to relax. Practice things like yoga , meditation or breathwork. Try taking a warm bath infused with epsom salts and essential oils help you wind down before bed.

​If any of these resonate with you, contact me for a consultation to help you be at your best.

I can't wait to connect!

Until then,

much love Beccy xx


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