I found myself suddenly single- 5 steps to Re-visiting Your Values to Create a life of Authenticity

Welcome back to another blog! Can you believe that we’re now in the “second half” of 2023…?! How wild is that? 🤯🤯. Wanna know how many sleeps until Christmas..? JKS 😂

The inevitable, inexorable marching of time and the fact that, to quote Dr Seuss, “How did it get late so soon. It's night before it’s afternoon. December before it’s June. My goodness, how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” ties in beautifully with the topic we’re looking at this week:

​How understanding, and boldly
re-examining our values as women shifting into the second half of your lives, is so key to ensuring that you are making decisions and crafting a truly authentic life by design.

Today, we delve deeper into the idea that discovering and clarifying your values is NOT a static event but a dynamic and ongoing process.

”In 2016 I found myself suddenly single following the end of my long marriage. I really had to examine my life in a way that I never had before, to ask myself the big questions, and get clear about what was most important to me and who I wanted to be in this next chapter of my life”.

1.Embracing the Dynamic Nature of Values

Life is an ever-changing tapestry of experiences, and as we navigate the second half of life, our perspectives and priorities inevitably evolve. Our values, the compass that directs our choices and actions, are not immune to these changes. Just as we grow and transform, so do our values. Embracing this dynamic nature allows us to adapt and respond to life's shifts with greater resilience and authenticity.

2. The Shifting Landscape of Values

Throughout our lives, we encounter various milestones, challenges, and opportunities that shape our worldview. As women in the second half of life, we may find ourselves reevaluating what truly matters to us. Our values may gain new dimensions, encompassing broader perspectives and deeper insights. Some values may become more prominent, while others might take on a different hue. This evolution is a testament to our capacity for growth and self-awareness.

3. A Journey of Continuous Exploration

Unearthing your values is not a one-time revelation but a continuous journey of exploration. It requires us to stay connected to our inner selves, remaining open to learning, questioning and evolving. Each day presents opportunities to delve deeper into our beliefs and uncover the underlying principles that shape our lives. Embracing this continuous exploration empowers us to stay attuned to our authentic selves and make choices aligned with our evolving sense of purpose.

Nurturing a Deep Connection with Your Authentic Self

4. The Beauty of Unfolding Authenticity

As we engage in this ongoing process of self-discovery, we cultivate a profound connection with our authentic selves. By peeling back the layers of societal expectations and external influences, we uncover the unique essence of who we are. This deep connection becomes a wellspring of strength, guiding us through life's twists and turns with clarity and conviction.

Embracing the evolution of our values allows us to embrace authenticity fully. The beauty lies in discovering the multifaceted and ever-changing facets of our inner selves. This authenticity empowers us to live life with integrity, making choices that resonate with the core of our being. As we embrace our ever-unfolding authenticity, we inspire those around us to do the same, fostering a community where each individual's uniqueness is celebrated.

5. Nurturing Growth and Resilience

Throughout this journey, we encounter challenges that test our resolve and resilience. However, when we remain connected to our authentic selves and values, we find the strength to overcome obstacles with grace and determination. Nurturing this growth and resilience enables us to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and poise, transforming challenges into opportunities for personal evolution.

As we embrace the ongoing process of unearthing our values,
let us celebrate the beauty of growth, change, and self-discovery.

Remember that this journey is unique to each one of us, and there is no destination, only a continuous path of unfolding wisdom and purpose. This is the path that I support women walking, in Pillar 2- Meaning, of my Essentially Radiant signature framework, is walking that path WITH support something that you’d like?

I’ve got spaces for 1 coaching client in July, and 3 in August.

Book your free discovery call here to chat about how I can best support you whether it’s as a Counsellor or as a Health and Lifestyle Coach!

I’m also always available to chat in DM’s!

Did you catch me live on IG last week? I chatted about the link between sleep and mental health, whilst sharing some valuable tips on how to maximise your chances of achieving a deep restorative sleep.

There are some recipes for diffuser blends and other essential oil applications in my NEW freebie. If you haven’t yet grabbed your copy, never fear, as it is still HERE>>27 Oil Diffuser Blends to Support Women's Health and Wellness.pdf

I’d so love to hear your stories of self-discovery and how your values have evolved- just hit reply, so we can celebrate the transformative power of embracing authenticity and personal growth together.

I can’t wait to connect!

Until next time,

Beccy x




Embracing Growth: Moving Beyond Counselling Towards Personal Health and Lifestyle Objectives