5 Key Mindset Shifts that Supported Me During Perimenopause

I remember it so vividly! The very first time I connected the dots...it was May 2018, on a coolish late Autumn day πŸ‚ when suddenly, without warning - an intense feeling of fire πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ swept over my body, leaving me sweating, prickly, and uncomfortable with an unfamiliar ping of anxiety shooting through my veins.

I began experiencing hot flushes and nights of disrupted sleep which left me feeling exhausted, irritable and somewhat lost as I searched for answers. Of course I knew, but didn’t want to admit this was PERIMENOPAUSE.

Definition: The perimenopause is the reproductive phase in a woman’s life occurring before the final menstrual period, or menopause. Characterised by hormonal fluctuations, particularly Oestrogen, common symptoms may include- hot flushes, mood disturbance and genitourinary issues, in addition to menstrual cycle disturbance.- Australasian Menopause Society

Navigating perimenopause can be challenging, but having the right mindset can make a SUCH A BIG difference.

Here are 5 key mindset shifts that really supported me as I navigated this powerful transition period in my life, shifts which enabled me to move beyond enduring to thriving-

1. Embrace the natural process- Recognise that perimenopause is a natural phase of life and a transition towards a new chapter. Embracing it as a natural part of your journey can help reduce anxiety and resistance.

Instead of resisting or feeling frustrated by the changes happening during perimenopause, practice self-acceptance. Embrace your body and its transformations as part of a natural process. Celebrate the wisdom and experience that comes with this stage of life. Acceptance can bring peace and allow you to focus on taking care of yourself in a compassionate and loving way.

2. Foster a sense of empowerment: Take an active role in managing your well-being during perimenopause. Educate yourself about the available treatment options, lifestyle changes, and self-care practices that can help alleviate symptoms. By gathering information, consulting with healthcare professionals, naturopaths, nutritionists, alternative health service providers, and making informed decisions that align with your overall values and vision, you can empower yourself to take charge of your health and navigate perimenopause more effectively.

3. Cultivate self-awareness and focus on holistic well-being: Cultivate a holistic approach to your well-being, including physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Explore relaxation techniques, essential oils, mindfulness, or other practices that promote overall balance and reduce stress.

Pay close attention to your body’s signals and listen to your intuition during perimenopause. Notice the physical and emotional changes you experience and explore their impact on your well-being. Develop a deep understanding of your needs and learn to respond to them effectively. This self-awareness allows you to make choices aligned with your well-being, whether it’s prioritising rest, seeking professional support, or engaging in self-care practices.

4. Emphasise flexibility and adaptability: Perimenopause can bring unexpected changes, both physically and emotionally. Embrace flexibility and adaptability as key mindset traits to navigate through these changes. Stay open to trying new strategies and adjusting your approach as needed. This mindset allows you to flow with the fluctuations of perimenopause, finding what works best for you at different times and adjusting your self-care practices accordingly.

5. Nurture your relationships: Strong relationships provide support and understanding during challenging times. Prioritise maintaining and strengthening your connections with loved ones. Share your experiences, concerns, and victories with them, allowing them to offer empathy, encouragement, and assistance. Engaging in open and honest communication can deepen your relationships and create a network of support.

Remember, every person’s experience with perimenopause is unique. These mindset shifts are meant to provide a general framework, but it’s important to listen to your own body and seek individualised support from healthcare professionals when needed.

Your mindset is just one aspect that contributes to your experience of perimenopause. When I work with my clients, I take a holistic (and realistic!) approach to hormone health. Perimenopause and menopause is a time when your hormones are changing but you don’t have to suffer because of it. I want you to feel radiant at every age! I’ve got space for 3 coaching clients starting this month- book your free discovery call here to chat about how I can support you to have happy, healthy hormones and so much MORE!

​I’m also always available to chat in DM’s!​


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