That (F) word

Nope, it is not what you think!


'FRAGRANCE', and in particular how this seemingly innocuous ingredient in so many of our houseold products can contribute so significantly to the overall "toxic load" of our homes.

Before I get too carried away, ( and I promise to keep this light!😉) what does the term "toxic load" actually refer to?

Whilst there isn't necessarily a universal definition, basically, toxic load refers to the accumulation of toxins and chemicals in our bodies- from a variety of sources, including the environment, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the personal care and household products we use.

​So, now back to "fragrance" did you know-

  • the term "fragrance" (or parfum) is a blanket term used to cover thousands of synthetic chemical ingredients (many of which are known to be harmful to humans) a manufacturer is NOT required by law to disclose or list in order to protect what is known in the cosmetic industry as "trade secret";

  • Some 3,000 chemicals are used as fragrances:

  • In addition to their use in cosmetics, fragrances are found in numerous other consumer products, notably laundry detergents and softeners and cleaning products.

Top 5 chemical ingredients in 'fragrance' -

Musk ketone, Styrene, Phthalates, Benzyl Acetate and Methylene Chloride are known to cause cancer, alter hormones, cause allergic reactions, disrupt endocrine, nervous, kidney and/or liver function, known to be a human carcinogens and are suspected to cause birth defects.

Phthalates (now banned in China, Japan, Mexico the EU, Canada and Argentina) are endocrine disrupting chemicals that offset hormonal balancesand can wreak havoc on all of the body's systems.

I could go on ...really there's so much more but I promised to keep it light!

There are a number of different "apps' that can assist and support you to continue to educate yourself and to read- the- label!

'Think Dirty' for both android and IOS allows you to scan in a product and recieve a 'rating", another "The Chemical Maze" is an incredible resource when trying to decipher "ingredients".

​You can see now why "low tox' options and alternatives, and empowering women with this knowledge is so important to me!


Autumn is coming…


Why ‘Soldiering on’ is not always a good thing