Welcome to Your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset

Are you ready to renew, reset and re-ignite your journey of radiant living?

Let me guess, did you…

• Purchase a New Year gym membership with the best intentions – only to attend a handful of classes in the first weeks of the year and now you’re not even sure where your pass is?

• Download the newest "movement" or “healthy habits” app with the promise of giving it a go until the free version expires – only to find that date snuck up on you.

Been tempted by ads for supplements, teas or powders claiming to offer increased energy vitality and a metabolism boost only to be let down by “quick fix” promises that never seem to work?

Win a chance to be coached by me!

Because what’s a Challenge without prizes? I’ll be giving away a 90-minute 1:1 wellness coaching session. This is an opportunity for you to receive my personalised support as we create a health and wellness plan tailored to you.

• Tailored Support: I'll work with you to create a holistic roadmap aligning with your wellness goals.

• Actionable Strategies: Walk away with practical steps to implement for a healthier lifestyle.

• Real Results: Experience the transformative impact of personalised coaching on your health and well-being journey.

The free 3-day challenge begins on 18th June 2024.


TUESDAY 18 Jun 2024 11:00-20 Jun 2024 11:00


Breathe and Blossom Women’s Health and Wellness Facebook Group

Can’t attend live? Sign up and I’ll send you the replays.

Meet Beccy

Hi, I’m Beccy Freeman! Women’s Health & Lifestyle Coach and Registered Counsellor supporting women to transition into and thrive in the second half of their lives. I’m passionate in my belief that the experience of perimenopause and menopause doesn’t have to rule your life - with holistic support in place, you can move through this time of change and transition to find even more purpose, passion, and power.

Using my Essentially Radiant Signature Framework, I help my clients to restore their vitality, rediscover their passion for life and redefine their sense of self.

I’m so excited to be sharing this free 3-day challenge with you!

Don’t worry, I’ve been there too.

If you’re ready to re-focus and get back on track with your wellness journey this year, it’s time for Your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset!

Join this unique 3-day experience designed exclusively for amazing women like YOU.

Your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset is your opportunity to realign with your aspirations and reignite your commitment to your well-being.

This is about supporting you to kick off the next 6 months in a focused way, homing in on the natural motivation the second half of the year brings.

It’s time to step into your radiance!  

Day 1: Your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset

Together we’ll create your wellness roadmap for the rest of your 2024. In Day 1, you’ll learn:

• The 5 pillars of wellness you need for a holistic healthy lifestyle. It’s simple, I promise!

• Practical examples and simple wellness rituals that are easy to maintain. No more falling off the bandwagon.

• How to create a simple wellness plan with small, manageable commitments that feel fun and easy for you.

Day 2: Your Positively Blossoming Mindset

Mindset plays a big role in wellness and staying committed to your health goals. In Day 2, you’ll learn:

• How to break free from negative stereotypes holding you back from being the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

• The power of a positive mindset and how to cultivate the thoughts and beliefs to support you in the life you want to create for yourself in 2024. A simple but powerful mindset reframing exercise that you can use repeatedly to shift from negative thinking to positively blossoming at any time.

Day 3: Your Meaningful, Aligned Life

We can’t talk about creating a meaningful, aligned life without talking about our values. In Day 3, you’ll learn:

• The importance of knowing and understanding your values about your wellness journey and ultimately creating a life that you love.

• How to identify and use your top values to support your 2024 health and wellness goals. Think greater motivation, more easeful decision making, improved resilience.

• The simple, practical steps to weave your values into your daily routine will help you stay motivated, excited, on track, deeply grounded, and connected to your wellness goals.

This free 3-day experience is for you if:

Are you ready to live your most radiant life?

Sign up now for Your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset and redefine your wellness journey!

• Your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset has been specifically designed for vibrant women who resonate with the challenges many of us face in pursuing holistic well-being.

• Whether you're a wellness enthusiast eager to reignite your passion or someone navigating the barriers that have hindered your journey, your 2024 Mid-Year Wellness Reset is the perfect space to re-ignite your spark and get motivated for the year’s second half.

Join us to celebrate your amazing self, overcome any obstacles in your way and step into a renewed and radiant you in 2024.

Unlock your inner radiance!

It's time to embrace the vibrant, authentic you.